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Schokoladen Ganache Hero Terra Rossa

Klassische gepeitschte Ganache

Eine klassische Ganache für Zuckerguss und Kuchenfüllungen

PortionenDie Renditen 1010g. Serviert 8-10 Dessertportionen oder einen 2-lagigen 15cm Kuchen.
Vorbereitungszeit: 10 Minuten
Kochzeit: 5 Minuten
Abkühlzeit: 24 Stunden im Kühlschrank
Verwendetes PulverTerra Rossa
Rezept ausdrucken
Klassische gepeitschte Ganache
  • 60g Kakaopulver - Terra Rossa
  • 112g Kakaobutter
  • 21g Zucker (Nachlauf)
  • 404ml Einzelcreme
  • 404ml Einzelcreme
  • 30g Fischgelatine (oder 6 g Schweinegelatine)
  1. Melt the cocoa butter over a bain-marie (do not surpass 45ºC).
  2. Once melted blend in the cocoa powder with a hand-blender until smooth. Check the temperature, bring it down to 30-31ºC by stirring (do not incorporate air). Set aside until ready to use.
  3. In a saucepan, add 1st quantity of cream. Bring to a simmer. Pour over chocolate in 2-3 stages to prevent from splitting the mixture.
  4. Once the 1st cream has been incorporated, add gelatin while mixture is still quite warm. Blend until thoroughly combined.
  5. Add 2nd cream to mixture and blend until well combined. Transfer to an air-tight container covering the top of the ganache with plastic film wrap to prevent a skin from forming.
  6. Set in refrigerator for 24hrs for best results.
  7. When ready to use the ganache, add desired quantity to a cold mixing bowl. Whisk until medium/ hard peaks.
  8. Use immediately after whipping.
Schokoladen Ganache Muster Terra Rossa


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Do you Know Cocoa?

The deZaan cocoa handbook developed exclusively for chefs and artisans is out now!

Excel your cocoa knowledge and be inspired with our distinguished book, meticulously developed by expert chefs and combining 110 years of cocoa knowledge.

Providing an abundance of cocoa knowledge and guidance, our just launched Know Cocoa book is going to be a firm favorite on your shelves and screens for 2023 and beyond. It’s the guide you’ve been waiting for. Excel your cocoa knowledge with deZaan and be excited!

Cocoa Insights

deZaan is putting cocoa powder at the forefront of the table. With this range chefs can understand the ingredients at a more intimate level, which offers better control when creating new flavors, colors, and textures.

Talia Profet European Chef Lead, deZaan
Cocoa Insights

In our chef-led book, you will be given the scoop on:

  • Revelatory cocoa cooking tips from our expert chefs and chef partners
  • The six elements of cocoa powder and why they matter
  • The difference pH and fat content can make for precision in your recipes
  • The story of cocoa powder from bean to shelf
  • How to convert recipes from chocolate to cocoa powder
  • Original flavor pairings
  • 27 foundational and inspirational recipes including technical deep dives
  • A plethora of technical cocoa knowledge and know-how
