roll-up image
Hero Image Of Cocoa & Salted Caramel Choux
Part 1: Terra Rossa Tuile
  • 60g Tepung
  • 100g Gula Pasir
  • 40g deZaan Terra Rossa Bubuk Kakao
  • 100 gram Putih Telur
  • 100g Lemak Kelapa (lelehkan)
Cara Buat
  1. Campur semua bahan kering ke dalam mangkuk hingga tercampur.
  2. Tambahkan putih telur dan aduk hingga rata.
  3. Tambahkan lemak kelapa leleh. Campur sampai tercampur.
  4. Oleskan ke Silpat yang diolesi minyak. Panggang pada suhu 160°C/320°F selama 4-6 menit.
  5. Keluarkan dari oven dan segera potong menjadi cakram 5cm dan biarkan dingin rata.
  6. Cadangan hingga siap digunakan.
Part 2: Terra Rossa Pâte à Choux
  • 330g Flour
  • 65g deZaan Terra Rossa Cocoa Powder
  • 300g Milk
  • 300g Water
  • 6g Salt
  • 15g Granulated Sugar
  • 270g Butter
  • 550g Fresh Eggs
Cara Buat
  1. Sift the flour and cocoa powder and reserve.
  2. Bring the wet ingredients to a boil with the salt, sugar, and butter.
  3. Add the sifted dry ingredients. Cook until the mixture pulls away from the pan.
  4. Transfer to a mixing bowl and mix on medium speed.
  5. Gradually add the eggs into the mixing bowl.
  6. The dough is ready when it shines and forms a “V” when the paddle is pulled out of the dough.
  7. Transfer to a piping bag and pipe into the desired form.
  8. Add the carbon black craquelin onto the top.
  9. Bake at 190°C/374°F for 15 minutes.
  10. Reduce the temperature of the oven for a less moist shell.
Part 3: Carbon Black Craquelin
Cara Buat
  1. Add the butter and sugar to a mixing bowl. Mix until combined.
  2. Add the flour and cocoa powder. Mix until combined.
  3. Transfer the dough to a flattened piece of plastic wrap. Cool in the refrigerator until firm. Once firm, roll out to 2mm thickness.
  4. Cut into 4cm round discs (shape and size of pâte à choux).
  5. Place the craquelin on the pâte à choux by pressing down gently. Bake according to pâte à choux baking instructions.
Part 4: True Gold Pastry Cream
  • 1500g Milk
  • 300g Granulated Sugar
  • 240g Egg Yolks
  • 120g Cornstarch
  • 75g deZaan True Gold Cocoa Powder
Cara Buat
  1. Bring the milk to a simmer.
  2. At the same time, make a smooth paste with sugar, egg yolks, cornstarch, and cocoa powder.
  3. Take off the heat and gradually pour the hot milk over the egg yolk mixture (in step 2) and mix thoroughly.
  4. Return to the heat and cook until thick. Cool down and set completely.
  5. Reserve in the refrigerator until needed.
Part 5: Salted Caramel
  • 285g Granulated Sugar
  • 105g Glucose Syrup
  • 135g Brown Sugar
  • 960g Cream 35%
  • 10g Salt
Cara Buat
  1. Make a caramel with all the 3 sugars. At semi-dark golden caramel, deglaze with cream.
  2. Cook to 107ºC/225°F and add salt.
  3. Strain into a mixing bowl and mix on low speed until cooled (paddle attachment).
  4. Store in piping bags until ready to use.
Part 6: Caramel Whipped Ganache
  • 100g Granulated Sugar
  • 404g Cream 35% (warm) (1)
  • 15g deZaan Stellar Cocoa Butter Drops
  • 12g Milk Powder
  • 6g Gelatin
  • 404g Cream 35% (2)
Cara Buat
  1. Make a dry dark golden caramel with the sugar.
  2. Deglaze with cream (1). Mix until homogeneous and bring to a soft boil.
  3. Pour over the cocoa butter and milk powder. Blend until combined.
  4. Add the gelatin and blend thoroughly
  5. Add cream (2) and blend thoroughly.
  6. Transfer to a heatproof container and refrigerate overnight.
  7. Whip the amount of ganache needed in a cool mixing bowl to medium peaks.
Part 7: Assembly
Cara Buat
  1. Once all the components have been made, start by filling the pâte à choux with true gold pastry cream followed by salted caramel.
  2. Place onto a terra rossa tuile.
  3. Pipe a small amount of salted caramel onto the top of the choux to stick a 2nd tuile.
  4. Pipe the whipped ganache with a star tip onto the tuile.
  5. Finish by dusting with terra rossa cocoa powder and a gold leaf.


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Do you Know Cocoa?

The deZaan cocoa handbook developed exclusively for chefs and artisans is out now!

Excel your cocoa knowledge and be inspired with our distinguished book, meticulously developed by expert chefs and combining 110 years of cocoa knowledge.

Providing an abundance of cocoa knowledge and guidance, our just launched Know Cocoa book is going to be a firm favorite on your shelves and screens for 2023 and beyond. It’s the guide you’ve been waiting for. Excel your cocoa knowledge with deZaan and be excited!

Cocoa Insights

deZaan is putting cocoa powder at the forefront of the table. With this range chefs can understand the ingredients at a more intimate level, which offers better control when creating new flavors, colors, and textures.

Talia Profet European Chef Lead, deZaan
Cocoa Insights

In our chef-led book, you will be given the scoop on:

  • Revelatory cocoa cooking tips from our expert chefs and chef partners
  • The six elements of cocoa powder and why they matter
  • The difference pH and fat content can make for precision in your recipes
  • The story of cocoa powder from bean to shelf
  • How to convert recipes from chocolate to cocoa powder
  • Original flavor pairings
  • 27 foundational and inspirational recipes including technical deep dives
  • A plethora of technical cocoa knowledge and know-how
